Their first litter was born on 22nd March 2023. They had 6 really healthy, happy puppies - 5 boys (1 black and tan, 3 fawn, 1 black and white) and 1 girl (black and white).
We kept the girl and called her Precious. She is a happy, affectionate girl who really loves everyone. She is a fabulous show dog and has won over 70 class in group awards. She is close to becoming a Grand Champion.
We expect the puppies in this litter to be just as good as the last litter. All owners of the puppies from the last litter are really happy and send regular updates on their beautiful babies.
An x-ray today (18th October) showed that Jojo will be expecting 8, possibly 9, puppies.
Jojo is looking a bit scruffy in the later stages of her pregnancy (as you would expect) but she’s very eager to meet her new babies.